15 research outputs found

    Ansatz zur Unterstützung von Wissenstransfer und Entscheidungsfindung bei der Produktentwicklung mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen durch Bereitstellung von situationsspezifischen Gestaltungsrichtlinien = Approach to support knowledge transfer and decision making in product development with fibrereinforced plastics through situation-specific design guidelines

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    „Denn Wissen selbst ist Macht" ist ein Satz, der vor langer Zeit von Francis Bacon geschrieben wurde. Im Laufe der Zeit hat nicht nur das Wissen an Bedeutung gewonnen, sondern vor allem auch der Umgang damit. Die Aussage "Wenn wir nur wüssten, was wir wissen" (Davenport & Prisak, 1998) ist zutreffend für viele Unternehmen. Es ist nicht mehr ein Mangel an Informationen, sondern ein Informationsüberschuss, der problematisch geworden ist. Die Möglichkeit, erfahrungsbasierte sowie entwicklungsrelevante Informationen in jeder Phase der Produktentwicklung zu finden und anzuwenden, hat zunehmend an Bedeutung für mittelständische und große Unternehmen gewonnen. Computergestützte Systeme leisten zusammen mit den Fortschritten der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in den letzten Jahrzehnten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Unterstützung des Wissensmanagements. Eine Herausforderung liegt derzeit weniger in den Informationstechnologien als vielmehr in der Entwicklung, Einführung und der kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung von Methoden für einen effizienten Umgang mit Wissen. Nicht nur die Unterstützung bei der Suche nach Informationen, sondern auch Methoden, die die qualitative, zielorientierte Erfassung und Dokumentation von relevantem Erfahrungswissen unterstützen, sind notwendig. Diese Arbeit trägt dazu bei, die Entscheidungsfindung in den frühen Phasen der Produktentwicklung mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen zu unterstützen. Einerseits steht die Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur Verbesserung des Wissenstransfers durch repräsentative Informationsdokumentation in Gestaltungsrichtlinien im Vordergrund. Als Grundlage für die Entwicklung des Ansatzes dient eine umfassende Analyse der bestehenden Gestaltungsrichtlinien für faserverstärkte Kunststoffe in der Literatur, Interviews mit Industrievertretern und die Durchführung von Studien. Andererseits steht auch ein Ansatz zur effizienten Entscheidungsunterstützung durch die Bereitstellung von situationsgerechten Informationen in Gestaltungsrichtlinien im Vordergrund. Eine Analyse verschiedener Methoden der multikriteriellen Entscheidungsunterstützung, einschließlich deren Bewertung auf die Eignung für den Einsatz, sowie die Erstellung einer Testumgebung zur Validierung des entwickelten Algorithmus zur Bereitstellung interaktiver Informationen in Gestaltungsrichtlinien trugen zur Konzeptentwicklung bei

    Perspective directions of improvement of management of intergovernmental fiscal relations in Ukraine on the example of the developed countries of the world

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    Introduction. In any state, due to the existence of an administrative-territorial division, there are relations between public authorities of different levels in the budgetary sphere. The main task of organizing and managing inter-budgetary relations is to provide state guarantees at a certain minimum acceptable level throughout the territory and all citizens regardless of their place of residence when receiving equal state social services. At present, unfortunately, in Ukraine there is a political inconsistency in the problem of the division of competences and responsibility for the implementation of specific functions of central, regional and local authorities, which negatively affects the processes of redistribution of intergovernmental resources. The financial independence of territorial communities can not be based without a clear distribution of tax revenues, spending powers between levels of government, and a mechanism for making financial, independent decisions. Aim and tasks. The purpose of this article is to investigate the mechanisms of implementation of the state budget policy and the model of organization of public administration of budget relations, which are used in economically developed countries of the world in order to determine their specificity, which will enable to effectively regulate the current economic situation in Ukraine. Research results. The current mechanism of budgetary equalization and the model of organization of public administration of budget relations in Ukraine is analyzed. The models of state participation in budget policy of different countries of the world are outlined. The components of the mechanism of management and regulation of interbudgetary relations at the regional level are determined. The economic models of all countries of the world, which can be distinguished from states with a unitary system, where they are noted much more than with the federal system, are investigated. Conclusion. Considering the model of the mechanism of management of inter-budgetary relations, one can conclude that there is no definite model acceptable to all countries of the world. The construction of a specific mechanism is based on the level of decentralization of the budget and taxation system, the scope of the powers of local authorities, the political choice between efficiency and equality, the depth and degree of disproportion between administrative and territorial units. The most effective model of intergovernmental relations in Ukraine can be considered a model, which will use the appropriate level of fiscal independence of local governments with the implementation of unitary, that is, a unified legal framework, the maintenance of a unified accounting, budget classification and management of budgetary relations

    Перспективні напрями вдосконалення управління міжбюджетними відносинами в Україні на прикладі розвинених країн світу

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    Introduction. In any state, due to the existence of an administrative-territorial division, there are relations between public authorities of different levels in the budgetary sphere. The main task of organizing and managing inter-budgetary relations is to provide state guarantees at a certain minimum acceptable level throughout the territory and all citizens regardless of their place of residence when receiving equal state social services. At present, unfortunately, in Ukraine there is a political inconsistency in the problem of the division of competences and responsibility for the implementation of specific functions of central, regional and local authorities, which negatively affects the processes of redistribution of intergovernmental resources. The financial independence of territorial communities can not be based without a clear distribution of tax revenues, spending powers between levels of government, and a mechanism for making financial, independent decisions. Aim and tasks. The purpose of this article is to investigate the mechanisms of implementation of the state budget policy and the model of organization of public administration of budget relations, which are used in economically developed countries of the world in order to determine their specificity, which will enable to effectively regulate the current economic situation in Ukraine. Research results. The current mechanism of budgetary equalization and the model of organization of public administration of budget relations in Ukraine is analyzed. The models of state participation in budget policy of different countries of the world are outlined. The components of the mechanism of management and regulation of interbudgetary relations at the regional level are determined. The economic models of all countries of the world, which can be distinguished from states with a unitary system, where they are noted much more than with the federal system, are investigated. Conclusion. Considering the model of the mechanism of management of inter-budgetary relations, one can conclude that there is no definite model acceptable to all countries of the world. The construction of a specific mechanism is based on the level of decentralization of the budget and taxation system, the scope of the powers of local authorities, the political choice between efficiency and equality, the depth and degree of disproportion between administrative and territorial units. The most effective model of intergovernmental relations in Ukraine can be considered a model, which will use the appropriate level of fiscal independence of local governments with the implementation of unitary, that is, a unified legal framework, the maintenance of a unified accounting, budget classification and management of budgetary relations.Проблема. У будь-якій державі через наявність адміністративно-територіального поділу існують відносини між державними органами різних рівнів у бюджетній сфері. Основним завданням організації та управління міжбюджетними відносинами є забезпечення державних гарантій на певному мінімально прийнятному рівні по всій території і всіх громадян незалежно від їх місця проживання при отриманні рівних державних соціальних послуг. В даний час в Україні, на жаль існує політична неузгодженість поділу компетенцій і відповідальності за виконання функцій центральних, регіональних органів влади та органів місцевого самоврядування, що негативно впливає на перерозподіл міжбюджетних ресурсів. Фінансова незалежність територіальних громад  не може ґрунтуватись без чіткого розподілу податкових надходжень, видаткових повноважень між рівнями влади та механізму прийняття рішень. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є дослідити механізми реалізації державної бюджетної політики та моделі організації державного управління бюджетними відносинами, що застосовуються в економічно розвинених країнах світу з метою визначення їх специфіки, що дасть можливість найбільш ефективно врегулювати сучасний економічний стан України. Результати. Проаналізовано чинний механізм бюджетного вирівнювання та моделі організації державного управління бюджетними відносинами в Україні. Окреслено моделі державної участі у бюджетній політиці різних країн світу. Визначено складові механізму управління та регулювання міжбюджетними відносинами на регіональному рівні. Досліджені економічні моделі всіх країн світу, що можна виділити держави з унітарною устроєм, де їх відзначають значно більше, ніж з федеративним устроєм. Висновки. Розглядаючи моделі механізму управління міжбюджетними відносинами можна зробити висновок, що немає певної моделі прийнятною для всіх країн світу. Побудова конкретного механізму будується на основі рівня децентралізації бюджету і системи оподаткування, обсягу повноважень місцевих органів влади, політичного вибору між ефективністю і рівністю, глибини і ступеня диспропорції між адміністративними і територіальними одиницями. Найбільш ефективною моделлю міжбюджетних відносин в Україні можна вважати модель, де буде використовуватися належний рівень фіскальної незалежності органів місцевого самоврядування з виконанням унітаризму, тобто єдина правова база, ведення єдиного бухгалтерського обліку, бюджетної класифікації та управління бюджетними відносинами

    Information technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions

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    Informatization of the educational process, in general, and the educational system of the higher educational establishments, in particular, is one of the most significant tasks of restructuring and shaping the education system in accordance with society requirements. Educational institutions nowadays have an opportunity to disseminate new material in a way that responds to the unique needs of each student thanks to using computer networks and online technologies. The purpose of the academic paper is to identify and provide a brief assessment of the primary trends in implementing information technologies in higher educational institutions (HEIs) in terms of the specifics of their application in the educational process. Methodology. In the course of the research, analytical and bibliographic methods. At the same time, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, system-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were applied to study and process data. By the way, the research authors also conducted a questionnaire in online mode. Results. Based on the research results, the primary and most significant theoretical aspects of using information tools in higher educational institutions, as well as the standpoints of scientists and heads of departments of higher educational institutions on key aspects of the issue outlined

    Modern technologies of detection and prevention of corruption in emerging information society

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    With the development of the information society, there has been rapidly growing number of international research on the role of various (information, innovation, intelligent) technologies as a catalyst to fight corruption. As you know, the problems posed by corruption are economic, social and political consequences. In recent years economists and various researchers have shown increasing interest in studying the phenomenon of corruption. Many researchers in the field of studying corruption phenomenon are of theoretical nature, which studied different behaviors without having developed effective methods and technologies to identify and prevent corruption in the various spheres of government. In this regard, there is a need to study the world experience of application of technologies in the prevention of corruption and anti-corruption platform in Ukraine. This will allow to adapt them to positive experience in the implementation of mechanisms to identify and prevent corruption in Ukraine. The authors believe that to obtain a more accurate picture of the corruption situations that provide characteristics and its quantitative description is possible only by means of modelling the corruption phenomenon. In this regard, the analysis of theoretical models of corruption was made: the modelling made by the mathematical notation of the models and conclusions on the effectiveness of their application in management. Using simulation, the authors came to the conclusion that the detection and prevention of corruption should be carried out with the use of technologies and the system approach: from the study of statistics and use of anti-corruption platforms, public registers and databases to logical and probabilistic (LP) risk models of corruption

    Procedure for Defining the System of Objectives in the Initial Phase of an Industry 4.0 Project Focusing on Intelligent Quality Control Systems

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    AbstractIndustry 4.0 describes the fourth industrial revolution, which leads to an intelligent, connected and decentralized production. A core aspect is a continuous communication between humans, machines and products during the production process enabled by cyber physical production systems (CPPS). The overall aim is to increase cost- and time-efficiency, and improve product quality, which requires a broad understanding of the enabling technologies as well as methods and tools. Within this paper, one production process (spring coiling) with three different involved value adding companies is analyzed to identify quality related production issues that shall be addressed with an intelligent condition monitoring based quality control system. The research addresses both machine related and organizational process analysis. Therefore, a comprehensive descriptive model has been developed to represent the relevant systems, their interfaces, interdependencies and influence parameters. This paper presents the procedure to develop the descriptive model, including other generated documents to define the system of objectives incorporating the technical and the value adding partners’ requirements

    Economic efficiency of sweet corn growing with nutrition optimization

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    Saabunud / Received 13.02.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 06.04.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 06.04.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Andrii Butenko ; [email protected] efficiency of sweet corn production for grain has been studied; economic advantages of cultivation in comparison with other crops have been highlighted. The article presents the results of research on issues of improving the economic efficiency of technology elements for growing sweet corn of the variety Moreland F1 under conditions of Precarpathians of Ukraine. Taking into account the production strategy, have been outlined cost-effective resource-saving and intensive technologies which provide the stable yielding capacity of early-ripening hybrid of sweet corn under conditions of Precarpathians at the level of 4.99–6.65 t ha–1 accordingly with the profit of 370–500 € ha–1 and grain production profitability 112–135%. It is established that under the conditions of application of mineral fertilizers at the dose of N135P90K125 + N60 + N30 in two stages the grain yield of corn increases compared to the absolute control (by 2.26 t ha–1, or 30.3%) with increasing costs per 1 ha of sown area 68.23 €, or 26.4%). In proportion to the increase in yield, the amount of profit, which is 192.42 € ha–1, also increased significantly

    Ecological and economic efficiency of growing on dark gray soils of bean-cereal grasses

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    Saabunud / Received 02.05.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 14.07.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 14.07.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Yevheniia Butenko ; [email protected] efficiency of growing leguminous and cereal agrophytocenoses (Trifolium pratense and Medicago sativa sown with the addition of Bromus inermis, Lolium multiflorum, Festuca rubra), highlighted their economic and energy advantages over cereal grasses. The article presents the results of the study of the influence of grass mixtures on the main indicators of the efficiency of growing sowing phytocenoses during haymaking in the Carpathians on dark grey soil. Growing agrophytocenoses without mineral fertilizers ensures the maintenance of 370–520 € ha–1 of net profit, with the profitability of 151–187%, the cost of 1 ton of feed units – 56.7–66.7 €, bioenergy coefficient – 2.5–2.9, energy efficiency ratio – 5.8–6.5 and energy consumption per 1 ton of feed units – 4.0–4.7 GJ. The cultivation of alfalfa-cereal grasses is ensured on dark-wet soil with three years of use of the best indicators of economic and energy efficiency. It was found that on both experimental bean–cereal grasses the highest efficiency is maintained when P60K60 is applied in combination with inoculation of seeds of bean strains of nodule bacteria

    An Ukrainian Fairy Tale in a Modern Preschool Education Institution

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    У статті встановлено потенціал використання української народної казки в сучасному закладі дошкільної освіти; систематизовано специфічні особливості української народної казки; уточнено класифікацію видів українських народних казок та наведено їх приклади; схарактеризовано особливості підготовки вихователів до роботи з казкою та прийоми роботи з нею.The article establishes the potential of using a Ukrainian folk tale in a modern preschool education institution; the specific features of the Ukrainian folk tale are systematized; the classification of types of Ukrainian folk tales is specified and their examples are given; the features of training educators to work with a fairy tale and methods of working with it are characterized

    Features of Sensory Education of Children of Younger Preschool Age

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    У статті з’ясовано, що особливостями сенсорно-пізнавального розвитку дітей молодшого дошкільного віку є: зниження порогів чутливості; зростання гостроти зору, спроможність розрізняти відтінки кольорів, розвиток звуковисотного та фонематичного слуху, відчуття дотику тощо; розвиток орієнтувально-обстежувальної діяльності, провідним різновидом якої є акт розглядання, який набуває самостійності; інтелектуалізація сприймання, що тісно пов’язане зі змістом діяльності дитини; воно стає цілеспрямованим, планомірним, керованим, усвідомленим; засвоєння сенсорних еталонів.The article found out that the features of the sensory and cognitive development of children of younger preschool age are: a decrease in sensitivity thresholds; growth of visual acuity, ability to distinguish shades of colors, development of pitch and phonemic hearing, sense of touch, etc.; the development of orientational survey activity, the leading type of which is the act of consideration, which acquires independence; intellectualization of perception, which is closely related to the content of the child's activity; it becomes purposeful, planned, managed, conscious; assimilation of sensory standards